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GHTCP Everything You Need to Know About the Guitar Hero Three Control Panel Program

What is GHTCP and why you need it

If you are a fan of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock on PC, you might have wondered if there is a way to customize your game and add more songs, graphics, and features. Well, there is! It's called GHTCP, which stands for Guitar Hero Three Control Panel version 2.0.4.


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GHTCP is a program that allows you to modify various aspects of GH3 on PC, such as adding custom songs, changing game settings, editing tier songs, exploring textures, and more. It also adds a custom menu in the game that lets you access different options and cheats.

With GHTCP, you can make your GH3 experience more fun, personalized, and challenging. You can play songs from other Guitar Hero games or from your favorite bands, change the look of your game with new textures, tweak the difficulty and speed of the songs, unlock everything in the game, and much more.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install GHTCP, how to use it to customize your GH3 experience, and how to operate GH3 with GHTCP and the in-game custom menu. Let's get started!

How to download and install GHTCP


Before you can use GHTCP, you need to have some programs and files on your PC. Here is a list of what you need:

  • Guitar Hero 3 (you must buy this! Those with pirated versions will not receive support!)

  • GH3 1.3 patch (you absolutely must patch your game!)

  • GHTCP (or most recent version)

  • 7zip (this program is not mandatory, as Windows can open the .zip file GHTCP comes in without an extra program. However, this program is very useful for archives and we recommend everyone to have it.)

  • <li .NET Framework 2.0 (this is required for GHTCP to run)

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) (this is also required for GHTCP to run)

  • Queen Bee (this is a program that allows you to edit .qbd files, which are used by GH3 to store song data)

  • Mid2Chart (this is a program that converts MIDI files to GH3 chart files, which are used by GHTCP to import songs)

  • Chart2Mid (this is a program that converts GH3 chart files to MIDI files, which are used by GHTCP to export songs)

  • Songlist Editor (this is a program that allows you to edit the setlist and tier structure of GH3)

  • Guitar Hero Explorer (this is a program that allows you to browse and extract the .pak files, which contain the textures and other data of GH3)

You can find the links to download these programs and files in the GHTCP official website. Make sure you download the latest versions and follow the instructions carefully.


Once you have all the required programs and files, you can proceed to download and install GHTCP Here are the steps to do so:

  • Download GHTCP from the GHTCP official website or from the ScoreHero forum thread. Save it to a location of your choice.

  • Extract the contents of GHTCP using 7zip or Windows. You should see a folder called GHTCP with several files and subfolders inside.

  • Open the folder GHTCP and run the file setup.exe. This will launch the GHTCP installer.

  • Follow the instructions on the installer. You will need to agree to the license agreement, choose a destination folder, and select some components to install.

  • Wait for the installation to finish. You should see a message saying "Installation Complete". Click Finish to exit the installer.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully installed GHTCP on your PC. You can now run it from the Start menu or from the desktop shortcut.

How to use GHTCP to customize your Guitar Hero experience

Common controls

When you run GHTCP for the first time, you will see a window with several tabs and buttons. This is the main interface of GHTCP, where you can access all its features and functions.

The tabs on the top of the window are:

  • Game Settings: This tab allows you to change various settings of GH3, such as language, tier and setlist changes, and actions.

  • Tier Songs: This tab allows you to import, export, preview, edit, and delete songs from GH3.

  • New Songs: This tab allows you to add new songs to GH3 by generating song data, editing song properties, rebuilding song data, and using the mass importer.

  • Texture Explorer: This tab allows you to browse, extract, edit, and replace textures from GH3.

The buttons on the bottom of the window are:

  • Minimize: This button minimizes GHTCP to the system tray, so you can run it in the background while playing GH3.

  • Close: This button closes GHTCP completely. You should always close GHTCP before running GH3 manually or before shutting down your PC.

  • About: This button shows some information about GHTCP, such as version number, author name, website link, and credits.

  • Help: This button opens a web browser with the GHTCP wiki page, where you can find more detailed information and tutorials on how to use GHTCP.

Game settings

The game settings tab allows you to change various settings of GH3, such as language, tier and setlist changes, and actions. The game settings tab has three sections: language, tier and setlist changes, and actions.

The language section allows you to change the language of GH3. You can choose from English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. To change the language, simply select the desired option from the drop-down menu and click Apply. You will need to restart GH3 for the changes to take effect.

The tier and setlist changes section allows you to apply some modifications to the tier and setlist structure of GH3. You can choose from several options, such as:

  • Apply Tier Changes: This option applies the changes you made in the Songlist Editor program to GH3. You need to run Songlist Editor before using this option.

  • Apply Setlist Changes: This option applies the changes you made in the Setlist Switcher program to GH3. You need to run Setlist Switcher before using this option.

  • Restore Original Tier Structure: This option restores the original tier structure of GH3, in case you want to undo your changes.

  • Restore Original Setlist Structure: This option restores the original setlist structure of GH3, in case you want to undo your changes.

The actions section allows you to perform some actions on GH3, such as:

  • Backup Game Data: This option creates a backup of your game data folder, which contains all your songs, textures, and other data. You can use this option to save your current game state before making any changes.

  • Restore Game Data: This option restores your game data folder from a backup, in case you want to undo your changes or fix any problems.

  • Clear Cache: This option clears the cache folder, which contains temporary files that may cause errors or slowdowns. You can use this option to improve your game performance or fix any issues.

  • Run Game: This option launches GH3 from GHTCP. You can use this option to test your changes or play the game normally.

Editing tier songs

The tier songs tab allows you to import, export, preview, edit, and delete songs from GH3. You can use this tab to modify the existing songs in the game or replace them with new ones.

The tier songs tab has a list of all the songs in GH3, organized by tiers and setlists. You can select any song from the list and see its details on the right side of the window. The details include:

  • Song Name: The name of the song as it appears in the game.

  • Artist Name: The name of the artist or band that performs the song.

  • Song Length: The duration of the song in minutes and seconds.

  • Year: The year when the song was released or recorded.

  • Genre: The genre or style of the song.

  • Guitar Difficulty: The difficulty level of the guitar part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Bass Difficulty: The difficulty level of the bass part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Rhythm Difficulty: The difficulty level of the rhythm part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Song Data File: The name of the .qbd file that contains the song data.

  • Song Audio File: The name of the .ogg file that contains the song audio.

  • Song Preview File: The name of the .ogg file that contains the song preview audio.

  • Song Icon File: The name of the .png file that contains the song icon image.

  • Song Background File: The name of the .png file that contains the song background image.

The tier songs tab also has several buttons that allow you to perform different actions on the selected song. The buttons are:

  • Import: This button allows you to import a new song to replace the selected song. You can choose a .chart file or a .mid file to import. You will need to provide the song audio, preview audio, icon image, and background image files as well. GHTCP will generate the song data file and add the song to the game.

  • Export: This button allows you to export the selected song to a .chart file or a .mid file. You can also choose to export the song audio, preview audio, icon image, and background image files as well. GHTCP will create a folder with the exported files and save it to a location of your choice.

  • Preview: This button allows you to preview the selected song in a small window. You can play, pause, stop, and seek the song audio, as well as see the notes and events of the song chart.

  • Edit: This button allows you to edit the properties of the selected song, such as song name, artist name, year, genre, difficulty levels, and file names. You can also edit the song chart using Queen Bee or another program of your choice.

  • Delete: This button allows you to delete the selected song from the game. You can choose to delete only the song data file or all the associated files as well. GHTCP will remove the song from the game and free up some space.

Adding new songs

The new songs tab allows you to add new songs to GH3 by generating song data, editing song properties, rebuilding song data, and using the mass importer. You can use this tab to create custom songs from scratch or from existing files.

The new songs tab has four sections: generate song data, edit song properties, rebuild song data, and mass importer.

The generate song data section allows you to create a new song data file from a .chart file or a .mid file. You need to provide the following information:

  • Song Name: The name of the song as it will appear in the game.

  • Artist Name: The name of the artist or band that performs the song.

  • Song Length: The duration of the song in minutes and seconds.

  • Year: The year when the song was released or recorded.

  • Genre: The genre or style of the song.

  • Guitar Difficulty: The difficulty level of the guitar part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Bass Difficulty: The difficulty level of the bass part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Rhythm Difficulty: The difficulty level of the rhythm part for each difficulty mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert).

  • Song Data File: The name of the .qbd file that will contain the song data.

  • Song Audio File: The name of the .ogg file that will contain the song audio.

  • Song Preview File: The name of the .ogg file that will contain the song preview audio.

  • Song Icon File: The name of the .png file that will contain the song icon image.

  • Song Background File: The name of the .png file that will contain the song background image.

  • Chart File: The name and location of the .chart file or .mid file that contains the notes and events of the song.

Once you have filled in all the information, click Generate Song Data to create a new song data file. GHTCP will show you a message saying "Song Data Generated Successfully". You can then proceed to edit the song properties or rebuild the song data. The edit song properties section allows you to modify the properties of an existing song data file. You can change any of the information that you provided in the generate song data section, such as song name, artist name, year, genre, difficulty levels, and file names. You can also edit the song chart using Queen Bee or another program of your choice.

To edit a song data file, you need to select it from the drop-down menu and click Load Song Data. GHTCP will show you the current properties of the song data file. You can then make any changes you want and click Save Song Data to apply them. GHTCP will show you a message saying "Song Data Saved Successfully". You can then proceed to rebuild the song data or import the song to GH3.

The rebuild song data section allows you to rebuild an existing song data file from a .chart file or a .mid file. This is useful if you want to update the notes and events of the song without changing its other properties. You can also use this section to fix any errors or corruptions in the song data file.

To rebuild a song data file, you need to select it from the drop-down menu and click Load Song Data. GHTCP will show you the current properties of the song data file. You can then choose a new .chart file or .mid file from your PC and click Rebuild Song Data. GHTCP will overwrite the old song data file with the new one. GHTCP will show you a message saying "Song Data Rebuilt Successfully". You can then proceed to import the song to GH3.

The mass importer section allows you to import multiple songs to GH3 at once. This is useful if you have a lot of custom songs that you want to add to the game. You can also use this section to import songs from other Guitar Hero games or from other sources.

To use the mass importer, you need to have a folder with all the songs that you want to import. Each song should have its own subfolder with all the required files, such as .qbd, .ogg, .png, and .chart or .mid files. You can also have an optional info.txt file with some information about the song, such as name, artist, year, genre, and difficulty levels.

Once you have prepared your folder with all the songs, you can select it from the Browse button and click Load Songs. GHTCP will scan your folder and show you a list of all the songs that it found. You can then select which songs you want to import and click Import Songs. GHTCP will copy all the selected songs to your game data folder and add them to your setlist. GHTCP will show you a message saying "Songs Imported Successfully". You can then run GH3 and enjoy your new songs.

Texture explorer

The texture explorer tab allows you to browse, extract, edit, and replace textures from GH3. Textures are images that are used by GH3 to create the graphics of the game, such as backgrounds, menus, characters, guitars, notes, and more. You can use this tab to change the look of your game with new textures.

The texture explorer tab has a tree view of all the .pak files that contain the textures of GH3. You can expand or collapse any node of the tree view to see its contents. Each node represents a folder or a file within the .pak file.

When you select a node that is a folder, you will see its subfolders and files on the right side of the window. You can double-click on any subfolder or file to open it.

When you select a node that is a file, you will see its details on the right side of the window. The details include:

  • File Name: The name of the file as it appears in the .pak file.

  • File Size: The size of the file in bytes.

  • File Type: The type of the file based on its extension.

  • Image Preview: A preview of the image if the file is a texture.

The texture explorer tab also has several buttons that allow you to perform different actions on the selected file. The buttons are:

  • Extract: This button allows you to extract the selected file from the .pak file and save it to a location of your choice. You can use this option to edit the file with another program or use it for another purpose.

  • Edit: This button allows you to edit the selected file with the default program associated with its file type. You can use this option to modify the file with your preferred program and save the changes.

  • Replace: This button allows you to replace the selected file with another file from your PC. You can use this option to change the texture with a new one that you created or downloaded. The new file must have the same name, size, and type as the original file.

  • Refresh: This button allows you to refresh the tree view and the file details after you made any changes. You can use this option to see the updated information and preview of the file.

How to operate GH3 with GHTCP and the in-game custom menu

Minimizing and closing GHTCP

When you want to play GH3 with GHTCP, you have two options: minimizing or closing GHTCP.

If you minimize GHTCP, it will run in the background and stay in the system tray. You can access it anytime by clicking on its icon or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+G. You can also right-click on its icon and choose from some options, such as Run Game, Clear Cache, Restore Game Data, or Exit.

If you close GHTCP, it will exit completely and free up some memory. You will not be able to access it until you run it again from the Start menu or from the desktop shortcut. You should always close GHTCP before running GH3 manually or before shutting down your PC.

Running GH3

When you want to play GH3 with GHTCP, you have two options: running GH3 from GHTCP or running GH3 manually.

If you run GH3 from GHTCP, you can use the Run Game button in the game settings tab or in the system tray menu. This will launch GH3 with all your changes applied and with the custom menu enabled. You can also use this option to test your changes or play the game normally.

If you run GH3 manually, you can use the shortcut on your desktop or in your game folder. This will launch GH3 without any changes applied and without the custom menu enabled. You can use this option if you want to play the original game or if you have any problems with GHTCP.

The custom menu

The custom menu is a special feature that GHTCP adds to GH3. It is a hidden menu that you can access in the game by pressing F1 on your keyboard. The custom menu allows you to access different options and cheats that are not available in the regular game menu.

The options and cheats that you can find in the custom menu are:

  • Unlock Everything: This option unlocks all the songs, characters, guitars, outfits, venues, and cheats in the game.

  • Set Speed: This option allows you to change the speed of the songs from 10% to 200%.

Set Difficulty: This option allows you to change the difficulty of the songs from Easy


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